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The growing role of Practical Nurses

New Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)   data   paints a picture of rapid change in nursing in Ontario, especially for Practical Nurses (called "RPNs" in Ontario and "LPNs" elsewhere) .   Here is a summary of the most interesting data from those charts concerning Ontario.     Note: The rapid increase in the Ontario RPN workforce (52.3% increase since 2005, and 5.6% in 2014) The rapidly increasing ratio of RPNs to RNs: Working RPNs are now at 38.1% of the number of working RNs in Ontario, up from only 27.3% only a decade ago While growth is much less marked, the RN workforce does continue to increase in Ontario – 9.2% since 2005 and 1.6% in 2014 alone The very rapid increase in RPNs who graduated from college within the last ten years The declining average age of RPNs and the increasing age of RNs The percentage of “full time” employment (as defined by the employer) increased for RNs but was fairly

Lowest health care funding increase ever?

Funding increase hits new low: The Ontario government plans health sector spending growth of 1.2% this year compared with the interim spending estimate for 2014/15.   This deepens the trend to cut health care funding increases. ($000s) 2005-6 2006-7 2007-8 2008-9 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012–13 Actual 2013–14 Interim 2014–15 Plan 2015–16 Health and Long-Term Care 32,947 35,655 38,118 40,734 43,054 44,414 46,491 47,571 48,933 50,173 50,771 % Increase 4.0% 8.2% 6.9% 6.9% 5.7% 3.2% 4.7% 2.3% 2.9% 2.5% 1.2% The average increase over the last four years is 2.2%.  Over the previous six years, funding increases averaged 5.9%, well more than double the more recent average.  This year's plan of 1.2% is a new low.  In 2011, the then Auditor General noted that various factor

Collective bargaining in Ontario: New trends, new possibilities

New militancy : Recent strikes in the broader provincial public sector by 13,000 university teaching assistants and Community Care Access Centre employees (mostly RNs) suggest increased willingness of some broader public sector employees to strike to maintain and improve their working conditions.  Moreover the workers achieved some success in their strikes.  In the health care sector, the Health Minister, Eric Hoskins, felt it necessary to publicly call for the negotiations to be settled by interest arbitration.  Shortly after this, a leading arbitrator awarded both of the proposals (wage proposals) demanded by the union. Both of the recent Teaching Assistant strikes at York and the University of Toronto put paid to the government's idea of "net zero" compensation increases, at least in the university sector, as the strikes made progress for those workers. Provincially coordinated teacher strikes are now underway to deal with the government's demands as well.  

Ontario's economy improves. Will collective bargaining follow?

The Ontario Economy:   The 2015 Ontario Budget has revised the government's real growth estimate up significantly from its 2014 Fall Economic Fiscal Outlook.  Real growth for 2014 is now put at 2.2% for 2014, up from the fall forecast of 1.9% and real growth for 2015 is forecast at 2.7%, up from their fall forecast of 2.4%.  Both of these forecasts are slightly lower than the forecasts from the banks and other private sector forecasters.  With lower oil prices and a lower dollar, Ontario is now growing faster than the rest of Canada. Substantial Real Growth -- but who benefits?  Seven years ago (starting the latter half of 2008) there was a recession in Ontario.  It ended six years ago when economic growth began again in the third quarter of 2009 (i.e. July-Sept 2009).  Since that time there has been significant economic growth, placing the Ontario economy well above its pre-recession high.     Ontario, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ($ Billions)